Home emergency food supply

Keep in stock enough food to last at least 72 hours

In an urban environment, the importance of an emergency food supply at home is easily dismissed as shops and restaurants are close at hand. The home’s emergency supply should be stocked with items that are needed daily, such as food and water. The emergency supply can be made up of foods that the family eats normally. What’s important is that there is enough food in the pantry to last for the whole family for at least 72 hours.

Ideal foods for the emergency supply have a long shelf life, can be prepared quickly and require little or no water to cook.

Emergency supplies are not a separate stockpile. The food items are used normally in daily life and replaced as needed.

 What kind of food?

  • Stock up your emergency supply with foods that you normally eat
  • Make sure that your home also has dry foods, such as nuts or dried fruits
  • Also include foods that you can cook during a power outage with a camp stove, for example

Storing and preserving food

  • Fresh produce stored in the fridge that spoil the quickest, such as milk, should be used first.
  • Do not open the fridge or freezer door unnecessarily to keep them cool for longer.
  • It takes up to several days for frozen products to thaw from freezer temperature to zero.
  • Food that has thawed to zero degrees can be prepared or cooked before freezing it again.

Stock up on products that keep well and are ready to eat.
Remember to cater for allergies and special diets.
Remember to also keep a sufficient stock of food for your pets.


List on paper and pen

What supplies should you keep at home in case of disruptions?

Coping with disruptions is easier when you have the right supplies at home. Use the list to check if you already have everything you need!


The home emergency supply kit includes:

Water containers (clean, fitted with lids)

Bottled water (minimum 5 litres per person)

Food that is easy to prepare and suitable for all family members

Food and water for pets

Battery-powered radio

Battery-powered torch


Charged power bank for your mobile phone, for example

Portable stove, fuel and matches

Small amount of cash

Essential medicines

Iodine tablets

Plastic bags and toilet paper

Hygiene items (for example, wet wipes and hand sanitiser)

First aid supplies

Firewood, if you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove

Smoke alarm

Hand-held extinguisher/Fire blanket

Duct tape

Download a printable list here!
